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Not the same inspiration is not the same as the home to enjoy 
(original title: do not like the idea of a different home to enjoy)
When you see the other people's house is so tall, you envy. You also want to create such a home, unfortunately, the room is not enough, in fact, for a home perspective, another decoration ideas, you can also have a high-end atmosphere on the grade of the house.
No balcony can also be green house
Many high-rise apartment small apartment without balcony, make full use of windows can make a green area. Can put a multi-layer flower on the edge of the window, will like plant light layer by layer placed, shade loving plant a little ornament at home in the other corner, the whole family are green. The air suspension of the grass, spider plants and other plants can not occupy space can create a green environment. Many small Huxing no balcony, the clothes airing in the room is very messy, we can buy the washing machine with drying function, or additions to a dryer.
The entrance to clever use
At the door, very short residence time, but need to solve the shoes, wearing a coat, take the keys and a series of things, for no independence hall, opened the door I saw the living room of the small Huxing, directly amplified shoe can let a space become dull without design porch area will has no sense of privacy. We can put a table, the table can be placed in travel to collect interesting ornaments or in flowers, set aside storage area beneath the table, this space will be smart and practical.
Walls can also be made into a functional area"
Large pieces of art the gas for home, the walls of small Huxing can be utilized, choose some artistic wall shelf, bookshelf, both decorative, and books, CDs and other, more practical.
Choice of "Transformers" type of furniture

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